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Farnsworth, E. Allan, Good Faith in Contract Performance, in: Beatson/ Friedmann (eds.), Good Faith and Fault in Contrat Law, Oxford 1995, at 153 et seq.

Farnsworth, E. Allan, Good Faith in Contract Performance, in: Beatson/ Friedmann (eds.), Good Faith and Fault in Contrat Law, Oxford 1995, at 153 et seq.

What conclusions can we draw from all this? First, the doctrine of good faith performance is alive and well in the United States, where it provided employment to many US lawyers, who have produced the tangled case law that has marked the doctrine's somewhat uncertain course. Secondly, it has given pleasure to at least some American academics, who have found the subject a congenial one for spirited disagreement. Thirdly, it has occasioned some difficulties for the courts, which have had to wrestle with such current issues as the three I singled out for discussion. Fourthly, lest we forget, it furnished the basis for a teenager named Brian to overturn a decision of one of the United States' most entrenched institutions, ETS.

It also seems that the doctrine is about to burst out beyond its geographical borders to other common law countries such as Australia and Canada.

[Set out in detail.]

Referring Principles
A project of CENTRAL, University of Cologne.